

Site Server logs:

ciamgr.log: Provides information about the addition, deletion, and modification of software update configuration items.

distmgr.log : Provides information about the replication of software update deployment packages.

objreplmgr.log : Provides information about the replication of software updates notification files from a parent to child sites.

PatchDownloader.log : Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source specified in the software updates metadata to the download destination on the site server.

replmgr.log : Provides information about the process for replicating files between sites.

smsdbmon.log : Provides information about when software update configuration items are inserted, updated, or deleted from the site server database and creates notification files for software updates components.

SUPSetup : Provides information about the software update point installation. When the software update point installation completes, Installation was successful is written to this log file.

WCM.log : Provides information about the software update point configuration and connecting to the WSUS server for subscribed update categories, classifications, and languages.

WSUSCtrl.log : Provides information about the configuration, database connectivity, and health of the WSUS server for the site.

wsyncmgr.log : Provides information about the software updates synchronization process.

WSUS Server Log Files

Change.log: Provides information about the WSUS server database information that has changed.

SoftwareDistribution.log : Provides information about the software updates that are synchronized

Client Computer Log Files

CAS.log: Provides information about the process of downloading software updates to the local cache and cache management.

CIAgent.log:Provides information about processing configuration items, including software updates.

LocationServices.log: Provides information about the location of the WSUS server when a scan is initiated on the client.

PatchDownloader.log:Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source to the download destination on the site server. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.

PolicyAgent.log: Provides information about the process for downloading, compiling, and deleting policies on client computers.

PolicyEvaluator:Provides information about the process for evaluating policies on client computers, including policies from software updates.

RebootCoordinator.log:Provides information about the process for coordinating system restarts on client computers after software update installations.

ScanAgent.log: Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, what tool is requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on.

ScanWrapper.log:Provides information about the prerequisite checks and the scan process initialization for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients.


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